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Listen to the latest oncology news from international experts

Applications of AI in Oncology

Cancer plays a substantial role in worldwide mortality, accounting for approximately 9.3 million deaths each year. Despite considerable strides made over recent decades, the challenge of delivering personalized care persists. In an effort to mitigate this, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools has been suggested across various realms within the field of oncology. The applications of AI in oncology encompass the refinement of cancer research methodologies, the enhancing of clinical protocols, gaining deeper insights into the intricate characteristics of tumors, and more.

In this podcast, we hear from Manisha Palta, MD, Duke University, Durham, NC, Benoit Gallix, MD, PhD, American Hospital of Paris, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, Andrew J. Armstrong, MD, MSc, Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, NC, David A. Mankoff, MD, PhD, Abramson Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, and Young Kwang Chae, MD, MPH, MBA, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda as they discuss current and future applications of AI in oncology.

Date: 18th August 2023